The eunuch dashes out the door. If you’re lucky, he’s looking for a guard. If you’re not, he's looking for the Begum. Maybe you shouldn’t wait around to find out.
The eunuch reverts to his natural form.
Well, you know what I mean.
Uh. That is. His most recent form.
Oh, come on. Stop goofing off and get on with the job, whatever it may be.
Through the door to the west you see the Begum’s reception room.
Uh… come again?
You’re trying to attack the MOUSE?
Maybe you need to take a break.
… and then you’ll carry it away in your pocket and use it to make friends with the cat?
Naah. I don’t think so.
If you’re fond of small rodents, go home and play with Jake’s gerbil.
I don’t think the mouse wants anything from you except to be left alone.